We are committed to supporting schools to become ‘the best they can be’.

Each school is unique with its own personality to reflect the community it serves whilst having the advantage of being part of a larger family of schools.

We work on the principle that schools are better together. Collaboration between our academies means best practice is shared widely and new solutions are developed to address common challenges. This close working approach provides excellent continuing professional development for staff.

À¶ÔÂÁÁÁÏÃâ×ÊÁÏ´óÈ« has a proven track record of improving the schools under its wing and thereby improving the opportunities and outcomes for our children aged three to 18.

All trust members hold the basic principle that students come first. Our clear strategic direction has enabled us to successfully welcome new academies onboard since 2015. Key benefits in joining us include:

Strong strategic leadership, management and governance
Expert financial management, economies of scale and collective purchasing power ensure best use of resources.
Shared specialist resources providing a depth of expertise and support. This includes financial, legal, estates management, health and safety, human resources, data analysis, SENCO and safeguarding support, ICT, marketing and PR.
Building excellent relationships with the local communities our schools serve.
Headteachers are part of the À¶ÔÂÁÁÁÏÃâ×ÊÁÏ´óÈ« Leadership Team and help shape the future of the trust.
Relentless focus on high-quality teaching and staff development.
Schools work together to provide rich curricular and extra-curricular opportunities for pupils/students.
High-quality external school monitoring programme provided to all our schools.

Schools benefit from the governance expertise of an experienced Trust Board of Directors, who are highly skilled in a range of disciplines.

Each academy has its own Local Advisory Board. They play a crucial role within the organisation; they are the voice of the school (students, staff and parents) within the multi-academy trust structure.

If you want to find out more about joining À¶ÔÂÁÁÁÏÃâ×ÊÁÏ´óÈ«, please email office@cumbriaeducationtrust.org.