National Professional Qualification for



We are pleased to partner with education charity Ambition Institute to deliver the new NPQ for SENCOs. This 18-month programme helps participants to become an expert leader of special educational needs and learn how they can build an inclusive culture in their school where all pupils can succeed.

Those doing the training will learn:

  • Contribute to establishing and sustaining a positive and supportive culture across the school for all pupils
  • Support senior leaders to ensure staff and governors enact statutory guidance
  • Support teachers and support staff to understand the importance of expert teaching for all pupils and to implement a graduated approach in the classroom, subject or domain effectively
  • Support the delivery of effective provision for pupils with SEND and their families, and be able to review, monitor, evaluate and improve the impact of SEND provision.

Excel as a SENCO
Learn how to become a strategic leader of SEND. You’ll discover what good SEND provision looks like and work with other staff to support your school to meet the needs of all pupils, whilst working confidently within statutory guidance.

Establish a positive culture
You’ll lead on establishing and sustaining a positive, safe and supportive culture across your school for all pupils.

Develop a strategic SEND provision
Learn how to contribute to and implement a strong and robust SEND strategy and support the delivery of effective provision, working with other agencies and specialists for pupils with SEND, and their families.

Designed by SEND experts
Benefit from a programme which is designed and delivered by SEND specialists including current SENCOs and experts from across the sector.

Invest in your future
Ongoing professional development helps you to grow and thrive as a SENCO. You will follow an evidence-informed framework and gain a professional accreditation at the end of the programme.

Train to your timetable
This programme is designed to fit around your leadership role and much of the work can be completed in bite-size chunks around your existing work timetable. 

Connect with your peers
You will train alongside other SENCOs from similar school contexts. You can share your experiences and build a strong support network.

Develop your school’s SEND provision
Your SENCOs will learn strategies and solutions to implement a strong SEND provision across your school. This includes creating an effective school-wide culture and supporting the development of a positive, safe and supportive school environment where all pupils can thrive.

Access the latest SEND learning
Teachers and leaders will bring more evidence-based teaching and learning into your classrooms, meaning high quality teaching and improved outcomes for all pupils, including those with SEND.

Create a ‘golden thread’
The NPQs are all aligned with each other and with the Initial Teacher Training and Early Career Frameworks. So, no matter what career stage your teachers are at, by joining this programme, they will benefit from an evidence-based framework. They will also share a common language with other NPQ participants that they can pass on to colleagues.

Identify future leaders
Competent and confident leaders who excel in their roles will be more likely to apply for senior positions in your school when they arise.

Retain your teaching talent
By allowing teachers to develop and nurture their talents in specialist areas such as SEND, you are investing in their future. This will boost their confidence, making them feel supported and less likely to apply for jobs elsewhere.

Tap into a network
Your teachers will train alongside peers from other schools with similar contexts, supported by facilitators that fully understand your needs.

We are pleased to partner with education charity Ambition Institute to deliver the new NPQ for SENCOs. This 18-month programme helps participants to become an expert leader of special educational needs and learn how they can build an inclusive culture in their school where all pupils can succeed.

What you’ll learn

This programme follows the 

On this programme, you will learn how to:

  • Contribute to establishing and sustaining a positive and supportive culture across the school for all pupils.
  • Support senior leaders to ensure staff and governors enact statutory guidance.
  • Support teachers and support staff to understand the importance of expert teaching for all pupils and to implement a graduated approach in the classroom, subject or domain effectively.
  • Support the delivery of effective provision for pupils with SEND and their families, and be able to review, monitor, evaluate and improve the impact of SEND provision.
  • Work with staff, specialists and other agencies to assist the school in meeting the needs of all pupils.
  • Implement an efficient SEND identification process across the school which ensures that barriers to learning are identified and addressed at the earliest opportunity.
  • Work with and equip fellow leaders with the skills to establish and sustain effective curriculum planning that enable teachers to plan, adapt and teach effectively for all pupils.
  • Support the development of a positive, safe and supportive environment for pupils across the whole school.
  • Ensure all pupils feel motivated in school with a supportive setting to enable them to reach their aspirations and potential.

How you’ll learn
The content is delivered through blended learning. This includes a mix of face-to-face conferences, real-time, interactive online sessions and self-guided modules you can complete in your own time.

You will put what you learn into practice in your school and can track your progress and get feedback as you go.

Note: programme content is subject to change

Our NPQ courses no longer include a large project at the end. Instead, you’ll sit an ‘open book’ style assessment in which you respond to a short case study.

The assessment window starts at the end of the 18-month programme and runs for three months.

During this time:

  • You’ll be given an eight-day window to complete the case study.
  • There are two assessment windows every year, and participants can sit the assessment twice, if they need to.
  • You need to pass the assessment and engage with 90% of the course to qualify for the NPQ accreditation.
  • We will offer two webinars and a live clinic in advance of the assessment window to support you.

The Department for Education has some NPQ scholarship funding available to publicly funded schools and 16-to-19 educational organisations in England, so you may be eligible for a fully-funded NPQ.

To apply, you must be a current or aspiring SENCO, or a school leader such as a senior leader or headteacher.

Deadline for °¿²Ô±ô¾±²Ô±ðÌýApplications:
September 2024

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